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At Alquemy, we understand that your career is more than just a job. It's about finding the right opportunity that aligns with your goals, aspirations, and values.

Our team of specialized technology recruiters is dedicated to helping you find that perfect match. Join our community of satisfied candidates and experience the Alquemy difference today.


Finding or starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting. Our mission is to empower candidates like you with valuable insights and expert tips to navigate the job market with confidence.

Here are some resources and guidance to make informed decisions, ace interviews, and land the job of your dreams.

  • 1. Be honest and transparent: It is important to be honest and transparent with your recruiter about your qualifications, experience, and what you are looking for in a job. This will help the recruiter match you with the right opportunities and avoid any potential miscommunications.

    2. Communicate effectively: Stay in touch with your recruiter and be responsive to their emails and Calls. Make sure you are clear about your availability and preferences for communication.

    3. Keep your resume updated: Make sure your resume is updated and accurately reflects your qualifications, experience, and skills. Your recruiter will use your resume to market you to potential employers, so it’s important that it is up-to-date and professional.

    4. Be open to feedback: If your recruiter offers feedback on your resume or interview skills, be open to their suggestions. They have experience working with employers and can provide valuable insights on what employers are looking for.

    5. Do your research: Before your interview, research the company and the job you are applying for. This will help you ask informed questions during the interview and demonstrate your interest in the position.

    6. Be professional: Treat your recruiter and their team with professionalism and respect. This includes being on time for appointments, dressing appropriately, and following up in a timely manner.

    7. Provide references: Be prepared to provide professional references when requested by your recruiter. Choose references who can speak to your skills, experience, and work ethic.

    8. Keep your options open: While working with a recruiter, it’s important to keep your options open and consider multiple job opportunities. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and keep your job search active until you have accepted a job offer.

    9. Understand the process: Make sure you understand the recruitment process and what to expect at each stage. Ask your recruiter for clarification if you are unsure about anything.

    10. Provide feedback: After your interview, provide feedback to your recruiter on how the interview went and your level of interest in the job. This will help your recruiter manage your job search effectively and provide you with additional opportunities.

  • 1. Tailor your resume to the job description: Read the job description carefully and tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience that match the requirements of the job.

    2. Use strong action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities. For example, instead of saying “I was responsible for managing a team”, say “I led a team of X people to achieve Y goals”.

    3. Keep it concise: Keep your resume to one or two pages. Use bullet points and avoid lengthy paragraphs.

    4. Use keywords: Use keywords from the job description in your resume to help ensure it gets noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by some employers.

    5. Highlight achievements: Rather than simply listing your job duties, highlight specific achievements and quantifiable results. This could be anything from increasing sales by a certain percentage, to leading a successful project, to implementing a new process that resulted in cost savings.

    6. Use a professional format: Use a professional format with clear headings, a legible font, and plenty of white space. Avoid using graphics or images.

    7. Proofread carefully: Proofread your resume carefully, and have someone else review it as well. Make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

    8. Include relevant education and certifications: Include any relevant education or certifications, as well as any coursework or training that is relevant to the job.

    9. Include relevant volunteer work: If you have relevant volunteer experience, include it on your resume. This can demonstrate your commitment to the industry or cause, as well as your skills and experience.

    10. Make it easy to read: Make sure your resume is easy to read by using headings, bullet points, and a clear, concise writing style. Use white space to break up long paragraphs and make the information easy to digest.

  • 1. Prepare: Research the company and the role you’re interviewing for. Prepare answers to commonly asked interview questions, and be ready to explain why you are interested in the job and what you can bring to the table.

    2. Dress appropriately: Make sure to dress professionally for the interview, even if the company has a casual dress code. First impressions matter, and dressing professionally shows that you take the interview and the company seriously.

    3. Be on time: Arrive at the interview location a few minutes early, but not too early. Being punctual shows that you are reliable and respectful of the interviewer’s time.

    4. Practice good body language: During the interview, maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and avoid fidgeting. This demonstrates confidence and shows that you are engaged and interested in the conversation.

    5. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions and answer them thoughtfully. Take time to think before responding, and make sure you understand the question before you answer.

    6. Highlight your strengths: Be prepared to discuss your relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments that make you a strong fit for the role. Be specific and provide examples that demonstrate your abilities.

    7. Ask thoughtful questions: Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer about the company, the role, and the team. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the job.

    8. Follow up: After the interview, send a thank-you note to the interviewer, expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and reiterating your interest in the role. This shows that you are proactive and professional.

    9. Be authentic: Finally, be yourself during the interview. Trying to be someone you’re not will only backfire in the long run. Be honest, genuine, and authentic, and let your personality shine through.

  • 1. Choose a name for your business: The name must be unique and cannot be similar to any existing business in the province or territory where you plan to register.

    2. Determine the business structure: You can choose to incorporate as a federal or provincial corporation, a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a cooperative. A simple rule of thumb is to incorporate in the Province you will be operating in.

    3. Register the business: You need to register your business with the government in the province or territory where you plan to operate. This includes registering your business name and obtaining any necessary permits or licenses.

    4. Obtain a Business Number (BN): A BN is a nine-digit number that identifies your business to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You can obtain a BN by registering for a GST/HST account.

    5. Register for a GST/HST account: If your business is expected to earn more than $30,000 in annual revenue, you need to register for a Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) account with the CRA. This will allow you to collect and remit sales taxes.

    6. Register for provincial taxes: Depending on the province or territory where you operate, you may need to register for additional taxes, such as the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or the Quebec Sales Tax (QST).

    7. Obtain necessary licenses and permits: Depending on your business activities, you may need to obtain additional licenses and permits, such as a liquor license or a health inspection certificate.

    8. Draft and file Articles of Incorporation: If you choose to incorporate, you will need to draft and file Articles of Incorporation with the government in the province or territory where you plan to register. These articles outline the structure, purpose and governance of your corporation.

    9. Create corporate bylaws: You should also create corporate bylaws that outline the rules and procedures for running your corporation. These bylaws should be filed with the government along with your Articles of Incorporation.

    10. Obtain a business license: Depending on your location and industry, you may need to obtain a business license from the municipal or local government.

    11. Register for Workers’ Compensation If you plan to hire employees, you need to register for Workers’ Compensation coverage with your province or territory’s Workers’ Compensation Board.

  • 1. Greater flexibility: As a contractor, you can have more control over your schedule and work-life balance. You can choose to take on projects that fit your schedule and lifestyle.

    2. More earning potential: Contractors are generally paid at a higher rate than employees, and they also have more opportunities for bonuses and other incentives.

    3. Increased variety of work: Contractors get to work on a variety of projects and gain experience in different industries and technologies.

    4. Independence: Contractors have more independence and control over their work. They are not bound by the same rules and regulations as employees and have the freedom to make their own decisions.

    5. Opportunity for networking: Contractors have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients and professionals, which can lead to valuable networking opportunities.

    6. Ability to specialize: As a contractor, you have the ability to specialize in a particular area of IT, which can make you more attractive to clients and increase your earning potential.

    7. More opportunities for career advancement: Contractors have the opportunity to take on more challenging projects and gain more experience, which can lead to more opportunities for career advancement.

    8. Exposure to new technologies: As a contractor, you are exposed to a variety of new technologies and can gain valuable experience in emerging fields.

    9. Greater control over work environment: Contractors have more control over their work environment and can choose to work from home or from a remote location if desired.

Let Alquemy be your guide on this transformative journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Contact one of our senior recruiters today and experience the Alquemy difference